Corrective Mathematics

Grades 3-12

Publisher : McGraw-Hill


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Corrective Mathematics Series Guide

SKU : 400CMT

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Corrective Mathematics, Addition: Teacher Materials

SKU : 500CMA

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Corrective Mathematics, Addition: Workbook

SKU : 100CMA

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Corrective Mathematics, Subtraction: Teacher Materials

SKU : 500CMS

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Corrective Mathematics is a highly focused intervention program consisting of strategic modules that offer quick, targeting intervention to build understanding of:

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Basic fractions
  • Fractions, decimals and percentages.

By focusing on core content and breaking this content into a series of small conceptual steps and embedded skills, Corrective Mathematics enables you to teach mathematics skills, rules, and strategies efficiently and effectively. It ensures that students will learn to work mathematics problems accurately and confidently.

It provides intensive support for students who have difficulty with mathematics. The seven strategic modules provide teacher-directed instruction on critical skills and concepts which struggling students often fail to grasp.

The series is not intended to serve as a fixed course of study. Instead it is used to support a high-quality core mathematics program. A placement test provides a plan that identifies which modules need to be covered.


  • Series Guide - helps determine what module your students are in by administering the pre-skill and placement tests. Guide also contains sample lessons from each of the seven modules.
  • Workbooks - include daily worksheets and point summary charts for recording student performance and awarding grades.
  • Teacher Materials - include Presentation Books and Answer Key Booklets. Presentation Books include a Guide section containing information for presenting exercises, correcting mistakes, and administering the pre-skill and placement tests. There is also a Presentation section that contains detailed lessons plans. Answer Key Booklets quickly and easily compare students' work with the actual calculations and word problem results. 

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Please note: Ratios and Equations Materials are not available in Australia.