Detailed Assessment of Post Traumatic Stress (DAPS)

Author(s) : John Briere

Publisher : PAR, 2001


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DAPS Professional eManual

SKU : EP153

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Online DAPS i-Admins (pkg 5)

SKU : E697

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Online DAPS Score Reports (pkg 5)

SKU : E698

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Online DAPS Interpretive Reports (pkg 5)

SKU : E699

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Purpose: Assess traumatic exposure and symptoms of posttraumatic stress

Age: 18-91 years

Time: 20-30 minutes; 15-20 minutes to score

The Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress (DAPS) is a self-report instrument that assesses peri- and posttraumatic symptoms and associated features related to a specific traumatic event. It provides a detailed assessment of PTSD in a short amount of time.

A 104-item measure, the DAPS generates a tentative diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or acute stress disorder in considerably less time than is required for a structured diagnostic interview. This diagnosis can then be confirmed by a clinical interview.

The DAPS assesses both current and lifetime history of DSM-IV-TR trauma exposure, as well as the severity and clinical significance of an individual's post traumatic symptoms, including dissociative, cognitive, and emotional responses.

Unlike other diagnostic measures of PTSD, the DAPS was normed on a group of 406 trauma-exposed men and women in the general population. As a result, an individual's DAPS results can be compared (using T scores) to the scores of a large group of men and women with a known trauma history.

DAPS Formats

Paper-and-Pencil Administration and Scoring

Administration, scoring and interpretation is conducted using the Manual, Item Booklet, Answer Sheet and Profile Form.

Software Scoring

The DAPS - Interpretive Report (DAPS-IR) is a comprehensive diagnostic and interpretive system that can be used to administer, score, and generate profiles and interpretive reports for the DAPS. Responses can be entered on screen (counter serials), or from completed hard copy forms.

Sample Report


The DAPS can be administered and scored online via PARiConnect.

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John Briere

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