Personality Assessment Screener (PAS)

Author(s) : Leslie C. Morey

Publisher : PAR, 1991


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PAS eManual

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Online PAS i-Admins (pkg 5)

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Purpose: To screen for a broad range of clinical problems

Age: 18-89 years

Time: 10 minutes

The Personality Assessment Screener (PAS) quickly screens for major domains covered in the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) and is designed for use as a triage instrument in health care and mental health settings.

This 22-item test can help you determine the need for follow-up with a full evaluation of psychopathology, focus initial client interviews on specific problem areas, and target certain clinical areas for follow-up testing.

Key Features

  • Assesses both potential for emotional and/or behavioural problems of clinical significance and need for follow-up evaluation
  • Items are organised into 10 different element scores that represent 10 distinct clinical problem domains.
  • Element raw scores are summed to determine the PAS Total score, which assesses both the potential for emotional and/or behavioural problems of clinical significance and the need for follow-up evaluation.

Clinical Problem Domains

  1. Negative Affect
  2. Alienation
  3. Hostile Control
  4. Alcohol Problem
  5. Acting Out
  6. Psychotic Features
  7. Suicidal Thinking
  8. Social Withdrawal
  9. Health Problems
  10. Anger Control

The PAS can be scored using the PAI Software Portfolio (PAI-SP). Responses from a completed Response Form can be entered into the PAI-SP, or can be input directly into the PAI-SP by using PAS Counter Serial Numbers.

Alternatively, the PAS can be administered and scored online via PARiConnect. All PARiConnect purchases made directly through ACER include dedicated local support. Contact our Customer Service Team to set up your account today.

Leslie C. Morey

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