SKU : PG_0864314175
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ACER's Practise Now! titles provide a time-effective method for honing your skills and familiarising yourself with different selection test questions. They are designed to help you prepare for the most common kinds of questions that you may encounter in a selection test.
Titles include:
Practise Now!: Will give you confidence in answering test questions related to general ability, aptitude and skills. Each chapter covers a different type of question, with chapters covering Word Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Mathematical Problems. Number Sequences and Patterns, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Spatial-Visual Reasoning
More Practise Now: Full of items that are not found in Practise Now, it contains even more practise items typically found in verbal, numerical, non-verbal and spatial-visual reasoning tests. It also provides an actual timed test to expose you to a typical test situation.
Practise Now Mechanical Reasoning Supplement: Contains basic concepts and examples of mechanical reasoning questions and explanations of their answers.
Practise Now! Victoria Police Entrance Examination: Provides valuable preparation for candidates applying to Victoria Police to become Police Officers or Protective Services Officers. This book will help you build your confidence in each of the eight areas assessed as part of the entrance exam
Practise Now! Australian Federal Police Entrance Exam: Provides valuable preparation for candidates applying to the Australian Federal Police to become Police Officers or Protective Services Officers. This book will help you build your confidence in each of the four areas assessed as part of the entrance exam.
Practise Now! Queensland Police Service Entrance Assessment: Provides valuable preparation for candidates applying to the Queensland Police Service to become Police Officers. This book will help you build your confidence in each of the five areas assessed as part of the entrance exam.