The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA)
offers a comprehensive approach to assessing adaptive and maladaptive functioning.


The ASEBA assessment

Developed through decades of research and practical experience to identify actual patterns of functioning, the ASEBA assesses competencies, strengths, adaptive functioning, and behavioral, emotional, and social problems from age 1½ to over 90 years.

ASEBA instruments clearly document clients’ functioning in terms of both quantitative scores and individualised descriptions in respondents’ own words. Descriptions include what concerns respondents most about the clients, the best things about clients, and details of competencies and problems that are not captured by quantitative scores alone.

The individualised descriptive data, plus competence, strengths, adaptive, and problem scores, facilitate comprehensive, in-depth assessment. Numerous studies demonstrate significant associations between ASEBA scores and both diagnostic and special-education classifications. 

The ASEBA approach involves

  • Rating problems reported for large samples of children, adolescents, and adults.
  • Performing multivariate statistical analyses of correlations among the ratings to identify syndromes of problems that tend to co-occur.
  • Using ratings of skills and involvement in activities, social relations, school, and work to assess competencies and adaptive functioning.
  • Constructing profiles of scales on which to display individuals’ scores in relation to norms for their age, gender, and relevant societies.

ASEBA Assessments

The preschool forms:

Child Behavior Checklist for ages 1.5-5 (CBCL 1.5-5)

Caregiver-Teacher Report Form for ages 1.5-5 (C-TRF 1.5-5) 

CBCL 1.5-5 forms obtain parents’, daycare providers’, and teachers’ ratings of 99 problem items plus descriptions of problems, disabilities, what concerns respondents most about the child, and the best things about the child.

An especially valuable feature of the CBCL 1.5-5 is the Language Development Survey (LDS), which uses parents’ reports to assess children’s expressive vocabularies and word combinations, as well as risk factors for language delays.

Child Behavior Checklist for ages 1.5-5 (CBCL 1.5-5) Form

CBCL 1.5-5 DSM-5 Handscoring Profile

CBCL 1.5-5 LDS Form

Caregiver-Teacher Report Form for ages 1.5-5 (C-TRF)

C-TRF DSM-5 Handscoring Profile

CBCL 1.5-5 Template for Hand-scoring

C-TRF 1.5-5 Template for Hand-scoring

Manual for the ASEBA Preschool Forms & Profiles

Multicultural Supplement to the ASEBA Preschool Manual

ASEBA-PC - for scoring of completed CBCL or C-TRF Forms (no computer administration available)

ASEBA-Web - full online administration and scoring available for all forms, as well as print form and score only options

The school-age forms:

Child Behavior Checklist ages 6-18 (CBCL 6-18), completed by parents or surrogates

Teacher Report Form (TRF 6-18), completed by teachers and other school staff

Youth Self Report Form 11-18 (YSR 11-18), completed by youths.

Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 6-18 (CBCL 6-18) Form

CBCL 6-18 Hand-Scoring Syndrome and Competence Profiles for Boys

CBCL 6-18 Hand-Scoring Syndrome and Competence Profiles for Girls

CBCL 6-18 DSM-oriented Profiles for Boys and Girls

CBCL 6-18 Template for Hand-scoring

Teacher Report Form 6-18 (TRF)

TRF 6-18 Hand-Scoring Syndrome and Adaptive Profiles for Boys

TRF 6-18 Hand-Scoring Syndrome and Adaptive Profiles for Girls

TRF 6-18 DSM-oriented Profiles for Boys and Girls

TRF 6-18 Template for Hand-scoring

Youth Self-Report 11-18 (YSR)

YSR 11-18 Hand-Scoring Syndrome and Competence Profiles

YSR 11-18 Template for Hand-scoring

School-Age Manual

Multicultural Supplement to the School-Age Manual

ASEBA-PC - for scoring of completed CBCL, TRF or YSR Forms (no computer administration available)

ASEBA-Web - full online administration and scoring available for all forms, as well as print form and score only options

The adult-age forms:

Adult Self-Report (ASR), a self-report form completed by the Adult to report their own adaptive functioning, problems, and substance use

Adult Behavior Checklist (ABCL), completed by people who know the adult.

The ASR and ABCL are especially valuable for assessing parents of children seen for mental health and family therapy services.

By having parents complete ASRs to describe themselves and ABCLs to describe their partner, you obtain profiles that highlight crucial agreements and disagreements between parents’ self-descriptions and other people’s descriptions of their functioning. You can also compare parents’ ASR and ABCL profiles with their children’s ASEBA profiles.

Find out more about online administration and reporting with ASEBA-WEB below.

The Older Adult-age forms:

Older Adult Self-Report (OASR), obtains older adults’ self-reports of diverse aspects of adaptive functioning and problems.

Older Adult Behavior Checklist (OABCL), a parallel form to the OASR for obtaining reports from people who know the adult well.

The Older Adult forms, OASR and OABCL, can greatly improve assessment in a variety of contexts, including psychiatric and psychological evaluations; medical care; assessments following significant life changes, such as loss of a loved one or a move to an assisted living environment; and evaluations before and after planned changes and interventions.

Cross-informant comparisons make it easy to see similarities and differences between self-reports and reports by other people

It is especially helpful to have forms completed at regular intervals, such as 2 months, to determine whether functioning is improving, worsening, or stable.

Find out more about online administration and reporting with ASEBA-WEB below.



Premier online solution for administration and scoring of ASEBA forms


ASEBA-Web is a premier Internet solution that is carefully designed to meet a wide variety of needs. It is a convenient, secure Internet solution that enables completion of ASEBA forms online, printing of ASEBA forms, scoring of ASEBA profiles, and transmission of data to your ASEBA-PC if required.

ASEBA-Web enables online administration of ASEBA assessment forms for ages 15.-5, 6-18 (including BPM), 18-59, and 60-90+:

CBCL 1.5-5
C-TRF 1.5-5
CBCL 6-18
TRF 6-18
YSR 11-18
ASR 18-59
ABCL 18-59
OASR 60-90+
OABCL 60-90+
Brief Problem Monitor (BPM)

ASEBA-Web cannot be used with the DOF, TOF, or SCICA.

ASEBA-Web is a subscription service that is renewable on an annual basis and requires e-units to administer assessments via the web.

The subscription service uses “e-units” to administer and score assessments. E-units are available for purchase in various increments, see below for pricing.

One e-unit is charged for each of the following functions:

  • Creating a form either for online completion by an informant or client, or for key entry
  • Printing a paper form for manual completion by an informant or client
  • Scoring a form to produce profiles and a narrative report

ASEBA-Web Enables You to:

  • Enable multi-factor authentication to improve user-identity security
  • Use a variety of optimised screen sizes (i.e., most tablet and phone devices)
  • Administer ASEBA forms to clients and informants online using e-units
  • Score data on ASEBA scales in relation to multicultural norms for all ages
  • Obtain cross-informant comparisons for all ages, plus MFAM cross-informant comparisons of scores from the CBCL 6-18, TRF, YSR, ASR, and ABCL
  • Use your e-units for as long as your ASEBA-Web subscription is in effect - track e-unit usage and balance at any time
  • Easily export raw and scored data (either separately or combined) from ASEBA-Web to SPSS® and MSExcel®
  • Easily export reports as TIFFs or PDFs
  • Easily export data from ASEBA-Web to ASEBA-PC or ASEBA-Network, and visa versa
  • Print paper forms for manual completion by informants
  • Key enter data obtained from paper forms
  • Securely store your data in the Cloud supported by the latest data encryption standards
  • Require change of password at first login to an informant website
  • Use directory/folder capabilities to classify assessed persons according to your organisational structure on the administration website.
  • Easily merge duplicate records for an assessed client
  • Search by informant or assessed client
  • Use table/grid views for quick access to various information such as viewing status of forms by informant or by assessed client
  • Use auditing tools: Logs for user login/logout and User Management activities; transaction logs by user (for create, delete, read, and update activities) within a date range

Hard-copy materials & ASEBA-PC Scoring Software