Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAPI)

Author(s) : Joel S. Milner

Publisher : PAR


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CAPI Manual

SKU : 501CPI

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CAPI: Interpretive Manual for the Child Abuse Potential Inventory

SKU : 502CPI

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Online CAPI Score Reports (pkg 5)

SKU : E739

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Purpose: Screen for the detection of physical child abuse in parents or primary caregivers

Age: 18-99 years

Time: 12-20 minutes

The Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAPI) is a screening tool for the detection of physical child abuse to be used by protective services workers in their investigations of reported child abuse cases.

This 160-item self-report screening instrument is given to the parent or caregiver who is suspected of abuse.

Key Features

  • The primary clinical scale (Abuse) can be divided into six factor scales: Distress, Rigidity, Unhappiness, Problems with Child and Self, Problems with Family, and Problems with Others.
  • Contains three validity scales: Lie, Random Response, and Inconsistency.
  • The Abuse scale has high internal consistency reliabilities (.92-.96 for controls and .95-.98 for abusers); test-retest estimates for the Abuse scale also are strong (.91 and .75 for 1-day and 3-month intervals, respectively).
  • Intervention/treatment programs have successfully used the CAPI at pre- and post-treatment and on a follow-up basis to assist in program evaluation.

The CAPI can be administered and scored online via PARiConnect.

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Joel S. Milner

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