Parent-Child Interaction (PCI)

Publisher : NCAST


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The Parent-Child Interaction Scales (PCI) Scales are valid and reliable assessments for measuring parent-child interaction, using a well-developed set of observable behaviours that describe caregiver/parent child interaction in either a feeding or teaching situation.

The scales are widely used in both clinical practice and research with families and young children and as pre- and post-test measures.

Key Features

  • The Teaching Manual was updated in 2013 to include all new research and case studies and minor clarifications on item descriptions
  • The Feeding Manual was updated in 2015
  • Valid and reliable measure for assessing parent-child interaction
  • Describes behaviour brought to the interaction by caregiver/child and contingency of their responses to one another
  • Assesses concerns early in the caregiver/child communication pattern
  • Provides separate but parallel observations of the caregiver-child pairs
  • Recognised by the US legal system in dealing with child abuse, custody and neglect cases
  • Easily identifies strengths as well as weaknesses
  • Used as pre and post measures for clinical programs or research

Please Note: To purchase the Parent-Child Interaction (PCI) Scales you need to have undertaken specific training by an authorised trained instructor. 

Training Programs (in Victoria) are provided by the following organisations: