ACER's Online Psych Testing Platform

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Additional Support

Regular updates to Help features, access to sample reports,
and an additional library of instructional videos
to make test administration easy for all users.

Autism Detection in Early Childhood (ADEC) 2nd Edition

Age: 1- 36 months
Time: ca 20 - 30 minutes 
User qualification: B Restricted

ADEC 2nd Edition is an effective, validated, play-based online screening tool that identifies and details behaviours that can indicate autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autistic tendencies in children aged 12–36 months.

Available Reports

ADEC Report - Sample Report

Adult Resilience Scale

Age: 18+ years
Time: 20 minutes 
User qualification: HR Restricted

The Adult Resilience Scale has been developed to provide an understanding of the concept of resilience, and measures the five dimensions of Threat Perception, Adjustment, Decision Making, Coping and Recovery.

Available Reports

Coach Report - Sample Report

Client Report - Sample Report

ACER Select ACER Select

ACER Select

 Age: 15+ years 
Time: Verbal: 15 minutes | Numerical: 20 minutes
User qualification: 
Human Resources Professional

ACER Selectassessments are intended as a measure of general ability for selection into occupations that involve a moderate to high level of demand on reasoning ability. 

Available Reports: 

ACER Select General Verbal - Sample Report

ACER Select General Numerical - Sample Report

ACER Select Professional Verbal - Sample Report

ACER Select Professional Numerical - Sample Report

ACER Select Stages (pre and post-test) - Sample Report

Work Personality Index (WPI) – Second Edition 

Age: 18+ years 
Time: 20 minutes
User qualification: Human Resources Professional

The WPI  provides a clear framework for understanding the impact of personality on job performance. It measures measures personality traits that are directly related to the work environment and job performance, making interpretation of results straight forward.

Available Reports: 

WPI Select - Sample Report 

WPI Leadership - Sample Report 

WPI Career - Sample Report 

WPI Development - Sample Report 

ACER Test Of Abstract Reasoning (ACER TAR) 

Age: 15+ years 
Time: Short Form: 20 minutes | Long Form: 25 minutes
User qualification: Human Resources Professional

ACER TAR  is a relatively language-free, Australian test of abstract reasoning. It is used as a measure of general ability for selection into occupations with a moderate to high demand on reasoning and where the ability to think clearly to solve problems is important. 

Available Report: 

ACER TAR - Sample Report

ACER Test Of Employment Entry Mathematics (TEEM) 

Age: 15+ years 
Time: 25 minutes
User qualification: Human Resources Professional 

TEEM  is a test of basic, numerical aspects of mathematical ability. The items cover basic mathematical problems of a type that might be encountered in a technical or trade training course or on the job in technical or trade positions. 

Available Report: 

ACER TEEM - Sample Report

Self-Directed Search (SDS) - 2012 Update 

Age: 14+ years 
Time: 30-45 minutes
User qualification: Human Resources Professional

The SDSis a self-administered, self-scored and self-interpreted career counselling tool based on Holland’s theory of careers. It is used extensively with individuals and groups to explore career options. 

Available Report: 

ACER SDS - Sample Report

ACER Mechanical Reasoning Test – Second Edition (MRT-2) 

 Age: 15+ years 
Time: 20 minutes
User qualification: Human Resources Professional 

MRT-2assesses mechanical reasoning ability, which entails understanding basic principles of physics and mechanics, visualising the movement of objects through space, and understanding cause-effect relationships between mechanical components.
Norm data for Electrical Trade Positions

Available Report: 

ACER MRT-2 - Sample Report 

ACER Applied Reading Test - Second Edition (ART 2) 

Age: 15+ years  
Time: 25-30 minutes
User qualification: Human Resources Professional

The ART-2 assesses the ability to comprehend written information. The content deals with mainly work-related topics such as industrial safety and machine operation/maintenance and is suitable for testing literacy for entry into technical and/or trade type positions or courses. 
Available Report: 

ACER ART 2 - Sample Report

Coping Scale For Adults – Second Edition (CSA-2) 

Age: Adults (18 +) 
Administration: Long Form: 20–30 minutes | Short Form: 10–15 minutes
User qualification: Psychologist

CSA-2is an important research, clinical and educational instrument designed to support people adults when examining their own coping behaviour. Updated to measure the usage and helpfulness of coping strategies in general and specific situations, it reliably assesses 20 distinct coping strategies. 

Available Report: 

ACER CSA-2 - Sample Report 

Adolescent Coping Scale – Second Edition (ACS-2) 

Age: 12-18 years 
Time: Long Form: 20–30 minutes | Short Form: 10–15 minutes
User qualification: Psychologist

ACS-2  is an important research, clinical and educational instrument designed to support young people when examining their own coping behaviour. Updated to measure the usage and helpfulness of coping strategies in general and specific situations, it reliably assesses 20 distinct coping strategies. 

Available Report

ACER ACS-2 - Sample Report 


Age: 12-20 years  | 21+ years
Time: Long Form: 20–30 minutes | Short Form: 10–15 minutes
User qualification: Restricted

The NEO-PI-3 is a revision of the revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R), the standard questionnaire of the FFM. In addition to measuring the five major domains of personality (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness), the NEO-PI-3 gives insight into the six facets that define each domain.

Available Report

NEO PI-3 - Sample Report 

Majors Personality Type Inventory (Majors PTI) 

Age: 15+ years 
Time: Untimed (approximately 10 to 15 minutes)
User qualification: Type accredited

TheMajorsPTIis used to evaluate personality type and provide a psychological type code. It assesses psychological type by measuring the individual's self-reported level of similarity with various phrases or word descriptions. 

Available Reports: 

MajorsPTI Personality - Sample Report

MajorsPTI Elements - Sample Report